Is there anyone in your friends or family circle that has a Real Estate License that needs to be included?

Like, will your Mom get mad that you didn’t include Aunt Sally?

If so, you need to talk to Mom & Aunt Sally before going any further.

Because those last-minute calls from Aunt Sally can really mess things up.


Pop Tarts are ready almost immediately.

Pop Tarts are Ready To Go!

If you have cash in the bank,
or financing lined up with a reliable lender
and you want to skip the intermediate steps

Crockpot aka slow cookers take more time.

Crockpots can take a while…

If you’ve never done this before,
aren’t sure about your credit score and such
and need a little more time



There are many possible reasons you have decided that it’s time to buy, from a job relocation to a change in your family dynamic.

Your motivation is important to me.

It will help guide our decision making process.

But it’s excellent that you have started here!

Airplane Landing- Relocation and new Destinations
Airplane Landing- Relocation and new Destinations
Steps And Shadows

There are many steps in the process, and the right order makes it run smoothly.

I make sure you do it safely.

My passion is helping you make the right decision for your situation by “informed consent“.

Everything is centered on providing you with useful, actionable information and strategies.

The decisions are ultimately yours.

As they should be.


Honesty and integrity is everything.

Reputation is priceless,

gained in drops and

lost in buckets.


Buying a home is a big decision!

It’s probably the largest single purchase you make in your lifetime.

Whether you have never bought a house before, or you haven’t done it in a few years, the process can be very intimidating.

It seems so simple.

Annnd, it’s not.

You don’t know… what you don’t know.

And that’s okay, ya’ know?

You have a lot to do and learn.

Let’s get that process started correctly.

If you’re not sitting on a pile of cash, then you’ll need financing.


If your credit (or other important statistic) isn’t the greatest, that’s okay.

It might take time, but it’s fixable, and any of my lenders can help with that.

You can find a lender anywhere, sure.

But a GREAT Lender will make it all run as smooth as possible.

A BAD lender will fumble the ball at the goal line and leave you hanging.


Bank some cash while you’re at it.

I know it’s hard sometimes, but there are out-of-pocket expenses ahead.

Big example coming up in the Title section below.


Start Early.

Even a year before you intend to buy is not too early!

If you need time to catch up, you’ll have it.


Know the difference between a:





You will need to verify this with your lender.
Like, actually baby sit them and make sure it’s done correctly.

Unless you are using one of mine.

Which you should.


After hopefully not a lot of time and work, you will get a Pre-Approval from your Lender.

That’s our golden ticket.

Then we can get started for reals.


Finding a Real Estate Agent is easy.

They are a dime a dozen, and they just want their payday.

“Your deal is their next meal!”

and they can’t wait!

Finding an awesome Realtor® who will take great care of you?

That’s easy too.

You’re here, so…

David and Paula

Happy homeowners David and Paula

Never saw anyone work as hard a Zach did to get the job done.

David and Paula



Wayaminnit? Ain't that at the END of the deal?

Yes, and no.

Here are a few reasons you'll want to do this as soon as practical.

You'll get to know the people at that company,

which helps prevent fraud later.

You'll need an Escrow (aka Earnest Money) deposit at some point.

You can put one in at a Title Company immediately.

While it does tie up some cash, it makes for faster & more powerful offers.

Remember that part about "Setting Expectations"?

Yeah, here's a big one for you.

If you have a target price point (say $500k),
you'll want to put in 1% (or $5,000).

Then when we make an offer on a property, we just reference that.

This is customary in my market,
but if that's totally out of reach for you,
that's okay too.

We will work with what we have.

Going to the Title Company first also

helps me verify who I'm dealing with,

and any potential purchase restrictions.


If you've made it this far, you're serious - which is fantastic!

Even if you're a Crockpot Buyer who is currently simmering

(that is, waiting for or working on your Pre-Approval)

it's time for you to take the next step:


If you still want to learn a bit more before moving forward with me, check out these videos for Buyers: